Welcome to the Dream Realm!
I hope you enjoy your stay and click some links

Messy Sketch
These are messy, uncolored, unrefined sketches with very limited details. Great for seeing an idea in your head made somewhat visual or getting an easy starting point. I will expect credit if you build off this sketch.

Clean Sketch
These cleaner sketches have more refined and cleaner details. The lines will be cleaner and some shading might be roughed out. Great for when you just need a base to trace over. I will expect credit if you build off this sketch.

A headshot features a character from the shoulder up. Great for profile pictures and icons.
Comes with simple or transparent Background

+20 per character
Half bodies are characters drawn from the waist up and comes with either no background or a very simple background.

Full Body
+$30 per character
These are full bodies of characters who already have a design. A reference is required for a full body. These will either come with a simple background or transparent background.If there is no reference then you will be charged a $10 design fee

Full Illustration
These are lined pieces that come with a painted background and detailed shading.This is a base price that can increase depending on the background, complexity of shading, and number of characters

Fake Visual Novel Screenshot
These fake screenshots can come with:
-Headshot, half-body, or full-body shaded
-A background
-Stylized text and affinity rating themed at your request.
This is a base price that can change depending on background and character complexity,

Stylized Reference Sheet
You will receive a basic reference sheet of your character including:
- Character details (Name, Pronouns, Species, Sexuality, Design Credits)-1 full body of the character (2-3 if the reference requires it, IE. asymmetrical designs.)
Note: Alternative designs and forms do not count and will be considered another full body
-A full-color guide- Maximum of 2 up close detailsThese optional inclusions can increase the price by up to $5 per item- Complex Designs- $20
- More than 2 upclose details- $5 per every 2 details
- Written details not already included in the basic reference sheet- $2
- Alternative Outfits- $15 per outfit (This does not include outfits already on the character)
- More than 1 full body (does not count if more than 1 was required, ie. to show off asymmetrical markings.)- $10
- Other details (Powers, Magic, Jewelry, etc.)- $5
All reference sheets are, by default, uniquely themed to the character for no extra charge to ensure your character’s reference sheet is 100% unique

Digital Painting
These are fully painted digital pieces most ideal for wallpapers and prints.
This is a base price that can increase depending on the background, complexity of shading, and number of characters

Posable Character Puppet
Posable avatars will have easily adjustable parts (arms, hands, arms, legs, etc) and will be sent as a psd file so you can make your own poses
Price can increase depending on
- Number of moveable parts (ie: Mouths, Arms, Tails, etc.)
- Number of variations in moveable parts (ie: mouth open, mouth closed, arm up, arm down, ears tilted, etc.)
- Complex Designs
- Clothing/Accessories
I will keep your puppet on file in case you want modifications or additions in the future for a fee.If you don't want to make your own poses I can make them using the posable puppet for $1 per pose

Looping Tweening Animation
These animations utilize simple tweening animation.
This is a base price that can increase depending on the background, complexity of shading, number of characters, and specification of the animationthe attached example is not representative of the final animation's quality

RulesThe Process
Step 1: After I get the specifics of your commission I will put you in a public queue that you can view at your leisure
Step 2: I will begin working on your commission and send you a WIP sketch with a heavy watermark for your approval. Once approved you will be expected to pay at least 50% of the quoted priceStep 3: When I finish your commission, I will show it to you with a heavy watermark. At that time your full payment is dueStep 4: After I receive full payment I will send you the completed
commission however you’d like and post it on my social media
Note: Don’t be afraid to request I don’t post your completed piece, I will not mind.Aside from the WIP, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE YOUR COMPLETED PIECE UNTIL I AM FULLY PAID!If I am not completely paid 3 weeks after the piece is done I will trash your piece and you will not receive a refund.I can draw
Furries, Quadrupeds, Scalies, Birds, Etc.
What I Won't Do
Gore, Armor, Mech, Monsters
Please ask about NSFW examples

You can contact me using the below methodsEmail: [email protected]
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DreamytheSheep
Discord: dreamythesheep